Author Archives: cherylalewis

 Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.—Ephesians 3:19-20

I don’t understand computers. I don’t understand how hundreds of thousands of pieces of information can be embedded in as tiny chip you can barely see. Or, how, at the touch of a finger, push of a button, or verbal command the entire world can be opened before your eyes. I do not know how, I may not understand, but I do know when I learn how to use my computer to its fullest I can do amazing things that almost make me look creative, even smart!

Likewise, there are so many things I don’t understand about my heavenly Father, this beautiful, amazing, wonderful Triune God I serve and love. And just when I think I know Him and what He will do He surprises me. Says His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are deeper than ours. I don’t understand how He can know every person on this earth by name, or how He knows the number of hairs on my head!

I don’t understand how He can create life out of an egg or even nothing at all! I don’t understand how He can touch a body and heal it of cancer, make the paralyzed walk, the blind see, the deaf hear; but He can! All these things God can do, and so much more! I don’t have to understand how, but just trust that He can!
What if today’s verse became your mantra for today? What if, every time you were tempted to worry, or become anxious, or bite your nails, you recalled this important promise? What if you looked at all the things you or someone you love is facing presently and remembered these words? Instead of thinking all is lost or how impossible something is, said to yourself; …but God can do abundantly more… Prayed to God; Dear God we need you to do exceedingly, abundantly more in this situation than we could dare think, ask, or imagine!

Shaping Your Prayer
Use today’s verse to shape your prayer. Remember you can take this passage to prayer a prayer of confession, thanksgiving, praise, or supplication for yourself or others!

Have a joyful, prayerful, God blessed, delivered and abundant day!!

Prayer Prompt: Holy Days and Holidays

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ.—Colossians 2:16-17

If holy days such as Christmas and Easter are to be a celebration unto God and observed in ways that honor Him, how then, should we spend holidays? Those days designated as national observations for particular reasons: May 30th, Thanksgiving, July 4th, Labor Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day? Some have very naturally become times to spend in a somewhat reverent way while others just seem right for letting our hair down and enjoying time spent in leisure and with family and friends. Whether a high holy day or national holiday, God gives His people times of rest and opportunities to pause from normal activities and routines to take stock, to see His goodness and provision for us and humanity. How will you spend your holiday? How will you observe it? Is time with God in your plans?

Pause for Prayer:
 If you made some time for prayer today, what would be the focus? What would your prayers look like? How would you shape today’s verse into a prayer for yourself or others? Today, don’t forget to pray for:
 Veterans of war both men and women, past and present
 People living in war-torn places presently
 The physical, psychological, and spiritual wellbeing of veterans past and present
 The peace of God to dwell in people and to rest upon places where there is unrest: whether it be countries or homes
 Those who are traveling by land, air and sea
 Remember, just about any passage can be shaped into a prayer of adoration/praise, confession, thanksgiving, or supplication for ourselves or others!

Closing prayer:
Heavenly Father, thank You for times such as this to celebrate and enjoy one another! Thank You for Your provision all year through, thank You for those who have given their life and sometimes limb in order to protect us from harm. In that way they too have served as guardian angels over us. As we celebrate today may we remember those who have given so much and still do, but may we especially remember how You guard and keep us day and night, year in and year out not only from physical enemies but the enemies all around us that we cannot see; mainly Satan and his evil band. Thank you for the holy angels that You appoint to keep us safe and keep the presence of darkness in check, and defend us from evil. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Prayer Prompt: To God Be the Glory!

I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work you gave me to do.—John 17:4

I’m not a celebrity watcher or tracker but I do find it fascinating when they take to the red carpet or stand in front of that screen, striking poses for photographers. It seems they can’t resist the click of the cameras. People who want to be famous go to all kinds of lengths to establish themselves. And who wouldn’t want to live their life, enjoying fame and all the perks, right? I wonder, in some way if we are not all infected—at least a little bit—with the fame bug—or, should I say disease! Jesus was not interested in fame. He was not seeking notoriety or status among people. Everything He did brought glory to His heavenly Father. Look at how He lived His life on earth:
 He did not seek glory for himself, but God
 He was very quick to say he had no interest in building or establishing an earthly kingdom among people
 He did not deny who He was (even though it caused chaos, made enemies and made many irate)
 He did not try to establish His own agenda apart from God’s
 He was obedient to the Father (though obedience came at a great cost, even death on a cross)
As natural glory seekers, glorifying God may come at a cost and bruise our egos a bit! It may mean:
 We don’t get to take credit for some clever saying…
 Or take credit for a prayer that has been answered in a big way…
 Or getting our foot in the door somewhere…
 Or completing our degree…
 Or meeting our financial obligations when we have no money in the bank…
 Or, you fill in the blank !
It may mean we are no longer the voice of authority, or the one who has all the answers, or be the person who has all the power, or receive those accolades and looks of admiration! Can you imagine what it would look like if we gave God His rightful praise at every turn? If we responded; “To God be the glory!” instead of taking credit for some feat or accomplishment? The humility it will take to live such a life will not come from within us; our nature is to seek glory and take credit, to build kingdoms and gather followers: that kind of living will only come as a result of asking Jesus to establish His ways in us. Maybe today’s prayer is going to take on the form of four questions:
 Lord do I…?
 Lord am I…?
 Lord why do, or don’t I…?
 Lord why am I…?
Consider your life, your actions, your attitude, your history, your responses, your instinct, and shape your prayer from there!

We pray,
Lord Jesus may that same Spirit of humility live within every one of us; and me especially! Help me to pattern my life, my responses, my heart after Yours and proclaim at every turn; “To God be the glory!” Amen

Prayer Prompt: Purposed by God

For I am God and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, “My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,…I have spoken, and I will bring it to pass; I have purposed, and I will do it.”—Isaiah 46:9b, 10, 11b

Our desires may come and go, ebb and wane. We may feel convinced of a matter, undertake a field of study or purpose a particular path based on our (heart) desire—only to lose steam somewhere down the road or lose our initial focus or conviction especially when we meet up with some obstacles bigger than we can handle. In life we find ourselves taking up new interests, refocusing, repurposing, and starting over (a lot). Some come to fruition, some never do. But that which God has purposed in or through us is different. That which God has purposed—for good or destruction—will take place! God’s plans will not be deterred or put off. What God sets out to accomplish will happen. God does not fail and as He says here, “there is none like Him” (v9b). Do you know God’s purposes for you? Do you have even an idea of what He plans and desires to accomplish with and through you and your life? Meditate on and shape the following passages into prayer:
Jeremiah 1:4-5; 29:11-13; John 17:4; Romans 15:18

Prayer Suggestions:
Spend time in prayer asking God about His purpose(s) for you; and what He desires and plans to accomplish through you in this season of your life

Ask God to use your present circumstances, the people in your life, your gifts, talents and even your flaws to accomplish His purposes in your life

Ask God to accomplish His purposes in your life no matter what or who tries to come between them—even if the greatest obstacle is yourself!

Thank You for the reminder through Your word, Lord, and even though I realize You were speaking about Your plans for a nation and people going a certain way, I also understand the promises here are in line with Your character and apply even to my little life today. I realize it’s not about what I desire, what I have planned, or what I want; but what You desire, what You have planned, and what You want that matters most. Help me to know Your purposes for me. Grant me insight through your Word and the convictions of my heart, those things You plan to accomplish through me and in my life and may I desire to do nothing more. Then, regardless of my circumstance, resources, and abilities, do not stop working with, in, and through me until they are accomplished. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Fasting Prayer: Praying Deuteronomy 28:1-14

Praying Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Note: Whether you are fasting or not, this is a powerful portion of Scripture to pray for your life and the lives of others! Use the prayer below to pray these verses or open your Bible and pray the passage verse by verse, personalizing it as you go along. Take your time and do not feel rushed, allow the Holy Spirit to lead you through. Listen to His voice and follow His footsteps upon your heart and mind as you go. Receive the promises of God recorded throughout as though already dispersed! We should note, although we are normally reluctant to pray for material prosperity; this passage speaks to how God will bless those who obey His commands in a tangible and material sense. How He will prosper His own just because He is God and He is able to do so! Deuteronomy 28 is a promise with a stipulation! It is for the obedient and not those who blatantly go contrary to God’s commands or voice! As we pray it, we should do so with the intent to give God the highest form of praise and obedience which is our “Yes” to Him in every aspect of our lives!
*Because this is such a beautiful prayer to pray for your immediate family, the people of God, or to bless others as well as yourself, I have used the plural “we/us” but you can also use the singular “I/me” while praying!

Heavenly Father,
Help us to faithfully obey Your voice and being careful to do all that You command, today and in the future. Father, we are assured that when we are obedient to You and Your commands You will set us high above other nations that do not believe or follow You. Set us above; not for the purpose of arrogance or pride, but to bring You glory in every way. In that way we will be an example to others about the blessings and benefit of following the Lord our God!
We receive Your promise today that all Your blessings will come upon us and will overtake us, envelop us, and surround us, because we obey Your voice and commands. We receive Your promises that we will be blessed in the city and blessed in the field: blessed wherever we go near or far! That even the fruit of our womb shall be blessed by You; not just our offspring, but all that is birthed by You and through You! That every work, everything we own and has our name attached to it will be blessed; and You will increase all we own. Not for bragging rights and purposes but to show how generous our God is to those who love and obey Him!
We receive Your promise that everything our hands touch will be blessed. That Your blessings will be upon our ventures and creativity in Your name! We receive the promise that we will be blessed as we come into this life and blessed as we go out from it; as we begin our daily tasks and as we conclude them! And that You, Heavenly Father will cause our enemies who rise against us, to back up. And although they come at us one way; they will be sent out in seven directions, confused and defeated!
We receive the promise that You will command Your blessing upon all we own, upon our land and upon every venture we undertake that glorifies You! That You will give us space to claim in Your name and will establish us in all our ways. You will call us a people to yourself and we will reflect You in every way and You will not leave us nor forsake us: this is what You yourself have sworn to us if we keep Your commands and walk in Your ways: and all the peoples of the earth will see that we are called by Your name and cared for by You and they will be afraid of us. Not because we mistreat them or are threatening to them but because they will know the Lord our God is powerful and sovereign and has all authority to bind up and release; to bring to justice and bless according to His will and purposes in our life.
We receive Your promise that You will cause us to abound in prosperity: spiritually, emotionally, materially, and financially: from the fruit of our womb, to our possessions, even to the land we own; this same land You have promised and given to our forefathers long ago! We rejoice in Your promise to open Your treasury; the good treasury of heaven to us and that You will rain on us in the season You have chosen for us, so all the work of our hand is blessed.
And when we obey Your commands we will become lenders to those in need; and not beggars and borrowers! We will be the head—in control—and not the tail—wagged by every wind or system! We will go up: increase and be over others—and not down—without say or authority or resources!
Help us Heavenly Father, to obey Your commands—not because of Your promised blessings—but because we are filled with love and awe of You! Help us to be diligent and careful to do all You speak to us and write for us to accomplish. Do not let us veer off onto the wrong path, or follow other gods or serve other gods—especially not the very things You bless us with! But help us to keep our eyes and heart on You continually and not look away!
Even as we claim Your generous promises for a prosperous life; we already know You have given us everything we need for daily living, for our present and our future! Not because we are great and deserving; but because You are great and generous and love us as Your special creation! therefore, we take You at Your word and strive to obey You because You are our God and our Father! Make our desire to follow Your voice and commands a most earnest desire that is manifested through the activity of our hands and feet! And may we be faithful to pass this same promise down to those coming behind us. In the name of Jesus that is above all names. Amen

Fasting Prayer

Today we add a new category to our daily prayer. Prayers of the Fast, of Fasting Prayers!  If you are fasting presently, God bless your time in fasting and may He do exceedingly, abundantly, immeasurably more than all you think, ask or imagine Him doing! 



Fasting Prayer       Thanksgiving Kids Craft: TP Roll Gratitude Turkeys


Lord of the Fast I am seeking Your will. I am asking for Your plans and purposes to be revealed to me without interference of food (or particular activities), without the interference of opinions and consensus of others. Just Your voice, Your Word, Your Holy Spirit to direct and guide me. I pray for strength, wisdom, obedience and all things that only You can give through Your presence and working. May my fasting be fruitful according to Your design. May all You plan for my life be accomplished and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen






Fasting PrayerLarge

Father, I pray that the grumbles of my stomach do not outtalk You! I don’t want to be so distracted by my hunger that I cannot hear what You are saying, or see what You are doing! I don’t want to be so focused on when I return to eating that I miss what’s going on presently. Today the passage from Isaiah 43:18-19 come to mind; forget the former things, I am doing something new; do you not perceive it?”  Help me to perceive it Lord! Help me perceive the new things you want to do in my life and with me! More than anything during my time of fasting in I want to be strengthened in faith and trust, I want to emerge with a greater sense of obedience and wisdom. Help me not only make it through my day, through my fast, but make it through this earthly life in such a way that I glorify you in everything I say and do. In Jesus’ name. Amen



Prayer Prompt #2: Commanding Calm in the Midst of Storm

Download this free Jesus calms the storm coloring page from What’s ...

And leaving the crowd they took him with them in the boat. Just as he was. ..and a great windstorm arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filling. But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” and he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” and the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”—Mark 4:35-40 (ESV)


Something to Think and Pray About…

Storms can occur within or without. Concerning this account the footnotes say;

  • Jesus did not chide, admonish the disciples for waking (calling upon) him but for their small faith in the midst of a storm.
  • Jesus spoke to the elements (storm) as if it were a person. He mastered the winds and waves as easily as he does illness and demons.
  • When Jesus spoke, the change was immediate.

Whether our storm has suddenly come or been brewing for some time. Whether our storm is outside (us) or within (us) the moment we call upon Jesus, who commands the winds and waves as if it were a person, there will be immediate calm; whether without or within! When we call on Jesus in the midst of our storms he does not chide or admonish us, saying we should know how to solve it ourselves; but for shaking and being frantic when clearly He is in the boat/storm with us!


Try shaping the following passages into a prayer today for yourself and or others:

  • Psalm 46:1-3, 8-9, 10-11
  • Psalm 107:28-29
  • Isaiah 38:13


A Closing Prayer

Jesus, thank you for not abandoning me in time of storm; regardless of the kind of storm it is! But for standing at the helm and commanding a peace and calm I don’t have the wherewithal or power to do. You are truly our storm-ceaser and in your presence there is a peace that passes all human understanding! Amen




Prayer Prompt: Delight

Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart—Psalm 37:4


What brings you delight? I have many things that delight me in this life: Time spent with my husband, children, and grandchildren, conversations with close family and friends, my work as an intercessor and prayer minister, sitting by the river watching the boats go by after a long or strenuous week…Too many things to mention here.

Our measurement of delight and the way God measures delight are entirely different. We measure delight by a warm, fuzzy feeling, or satisfaction derived from something or someone. But God measures delight by obedience. If we are to delight ourselves in the LORD it will mean becoming obedient to Him: to His will, His purposes, His plans and direction for us, whether we take pleasure in it or not. It will mean time spent reading His Word, attending worship, praying, whether we feel like it or not. Psalm 22:8 says even the sufferer can delight him or herself in God during their season of distress, testing, grief, or sickness by trusting in the Lord, regardless…By seeking His face and counsel in spite of…

Try praying the following passages as prayers of confession, thanksgiving, assurance, hope, and intercession:

  • I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart—Psalm 40:8
  • Lead me in the path of your commandments, for I delight in it. Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!—Psalm 119:35-36
  • If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on my holy day, and call the Sabbath a delight and the holy day of the LORD honorable; if you honor it, not by going your own ways, or seeking your own pleasure, or talking idly; then you shall take delight in the LORD and I will make you ride on the heights of the earth; I will feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken—Isaiah 58:13-14
  • So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand. For I delight in the law of god, in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind and making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members. Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!—Romans 7:2-25

Closing Prayer

Above all else, teach me to delight myself in You, Lord! Amen

Relaxing in God’s Care

Lord God, Creator of the universe and the earth! This is a good word for today and life in general but it’s really hard to relax when life is in chaos and things seem to be falling apart! In fact we are about as relaxed as a tightly wound rubber band!  We are pulled tight. Stressed over everything. Taut.  Nervous… we are on edge and full of panic.  We do not know how to relax in you! We lose sleep, chew antacids like candy, take anxiety medication like vitamins, experience heart attack and strokes–all because we are not relaxed in you. We think ahead to the next possible disaster–look back with regret and shame–dwell on the past and the sin and failure of others–we are full of discontent, regret, and sorrows.  Our spiritual hearts beat about a million miles per minute. Because we are controlled by worry and distress we cannot relax.
By your hand lead us to that relaxed place in our faith; that place where our faith in you is so solid it cannot be shaken nor disrupted or ambushed and we cannot be persuaded by the devil or others, to believe you will be anyhing other than who you are, or that you will do anything other than what you do: which is take care of us and provide for us and protect us and watch over us.
Lord, you know the things I could easily be stressed and distressed about today; the things I could easily go into panic mode over. I give them to you right now……….
Help me to breathe deeply, to trust you and relax in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen