Tag Archives: Assurance

Prayer: Prepared Places and Promises

Heaven means to be one with God.

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?


Heavenly Father, it’s really impossible for my mind to fathom the fullness of this promise! To imagine that one day I, we will live in a place without the baggage of this life: living without problems and issues, without sickness or body aches, living without relationship issues and brokenness, living without hunger or thirst, living without financial worries or anxiety, living without the interference of the devil or any sin! Wow! Living with everything we need, and needing nothing at all because we are in Your presence and in Your presence there is no lack or need! Today, for whatever reason, this promise is encouraging. It lifts me spirits and takes some weight off my soul. It gives me strength to press on through the issues of earthly life and the things that come with it. And even though I have had to fight to keep it from time to time, as the devil comes to steal it away from me; today I receive it as it is intended: assurance for my soul, to give me peace of mind. Take me off the beaten path this week so I can encounter someone who isn’t as familiar with this promise as I am, with someone who really needs to hear it right now. Open up our conversation, make room for this beautiful promise You have given, give me the right words to say and move on the heart of the receiver. Thank You that earthly living is not for an eternity; only live in heaven with You! Amen


Photo by: www.dlsa9re.wikispaces.com