Tag Archives: Cross of Calvary

Prayer: The Journey


Day #1

Meditation: Read Isaiah 58

Lord Jesus, thank You for a right perspective on fasting and spiritual disciplines. Lent is a time we can help others as well as ourselves move back into a healing relationship with You. Healing that comes through the waters of Holy Baptism, renewed faith, confession and self-examination. Healing that comes from compassion, love, mercy, forgiveness, and acts of kindness. Thank You for Ash Wednesday that begins this journey of Lent. Thank You for a visible reminder such as ashes on our foreheads or palms, that reminds us, not only of our brokenness, emptiness, sin, and need for repentance, but also reminds us of Your faithful love and commitment to us as Your people. The beginning of Your earthly journey started in a manger and ended on a cross, while ours begins at the foot of the cross and ends in the Father’s waiting arms and heaven. Amen