Tag Archives: Jesus

Prayer: Prepared Places and Promises

Heaven means to be one with God.

Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?


Heavenly Father, it’s really impossible for my mind to fathom the fullness of this promise! To imagine that one day I, we will live in a place without the baggage of this life: living without problems and issues, without sickness or body aches, living without relationship issues and brokenness, living without hunger or thirst, living without financial worries or anxiety, living without the interference of the devil or any sin! Wow! Living with everything we need, and needing nothing at all because we are in Your presence and in Your presence there is no lack or need! Today, for whatever reason, this promise is encouraging. It lifts me spirits and takes some weight off my soul. It gives me strength to press on through the issues of earthly life and the things that come with it. And even though I have had to fight to keep it from time to time, as the devil comes to steal it away from me; today I receive it as it is intended: assurance for my soul, to give me peace of mind. Take me off the beaten path this week so I can encounter someone who isn’t as familiar with this promise as I am, with someone who really needs to hear it right now. Open up our conversation, make room for this beautiful promise You have given, give me the right words to say and move on the heart of the receiver. Thank You that earthly living is not for an eternity; only live in heaven with You! Amen


Photo by: www.dlsa9re.wikispaces.com

Prayer: Wheat and Weeds in the Same Field


Then the man’s servants came to him and said, ‘You planted good seed in your field. Where did the weeds come from?’ The man answered, ‘An enemy planted weeds.’ The servants asked, ‘Do you want us to pull up the weeds?’ The man answered, ‘No, because when you pull up the weeds, you might also pull up the wheat. Let the weeds and the wheat grow together until the harvest time.—Matthew 13:27-30  



We need your eyes to see, ears to hear, and heart to understand the depth of your teachings: for clearly they are more than entertaining stories and clever parables. We could easily skim over them and not think (very) much about them, but if we do we will miss many things that are crucial to our life here, crucial to our praying. Grant us, we pray the gift of discernment as we walk the harvest fields. Help us to recognize the weeds that have been sown by the enemy, then give us courage to tread into his territory, walk into his fields and pray those weeds become wheat in Your kingdom for Your use.  The person of prayer can become that stronger man positioned for Your use in this time for the purpose of winning souls for Christ. We know the time is coming when You will call for the weeds to be bundled and burned, and for sure some will never change, some will always reject Your instruction and knocking, some will always turn their back on You, but that will not discourage us from knocking, seeking, telling, and praying. we pray, even now You will use even the obstinate, stubborn, strong-willed and hardened for Your purposes to advance and build the Kingdom of God. Though time is running out, they still have time until You return to go from weeds headed for the fire, to wheat headed to eternal life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Image from: www.justanapprentice.wordpress.com


Prayer: The Power of Words

The Promise:

The words of a good person are like pure silver; but an evil person’s thoughts are worth very little. Good people’s words will help many others, but fools will die because they don’t have wisdom—Proverbs 10:20-21

The words you have said will be used to judge you. Some of your words will prove you right, but some of your words will prove you guilty—Matthew 12:36-37

Heavenly Father, the power of words to heal and bless, to condemn or curse, to encourage or motivate, to bring comfort or disrupt, are powerful in the lives of others. Today’s promise reminds me to be more cognizant of what and how I speak to others. Are my words wise or foolish? Do they bless or curse? Do they encourage or discourage? Do they tear down or do they build up? Do they speak life or do they kill the soul? Are they healing disagreement or stoking fires? Are they full of truth but not tempered in love? I live in a world that has much to say and a platform to say it from! Yet not every opinion voiced is for good, or speaks life. Some bring death and plant seeds for future destruction. Help me use my words well because on that great Judgment Day, I am not going to escape being judged as unbelievers are judged. The only difference will be, Jesus will be standing with me to defend me by His wounds. If it were not for Him I too would perish because of the foolish things I say. Lord, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my pathway. Your words heal and bless and they are always spoken with love, even when they must warn or admonish, they give power and salvation. Today they remind me how beautiful and impactful the human language can be—like pure silver—when we use them well. Help me tame my tongue, put a spiritual muzzle over my mouth when I am about to say something foolish or self-righteous, when I am about to wound or destroy. Through the power of Your Spirit make me aware of each word I speak and measure accordingly. Today I will speak hundreds, even thousands of words throughout this day I pray they are words that bring life and not death! Amen

Image From: www.neoformix.com

Prayer: Today’s a New Day

Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine…remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it…—Isaiah 43:1, 18-19

Father, it’s a new day and a new week, and I am determined not to walk or live in fear, but in confidence because You alone have formed me, created me, and claim me as Yours! Because You are with me, just as You have promised, I will not be afraid to do something new this week! I will not be afraid to walk in uncharted places or step out into places I have not been. Although I am more comfortable in the old (and I love to look back and think of days gone by), I will not stay there, but go where You tell me to go and do what You direct me to do. Just as no one sews a new patch on an old coat, because when they do the patch will shrink and the hole will become larger. And no one pours new wine into an old bag because the bag will tear and leak, but for good results they pour new wine into a new bag. And for good results in my own life I want to be able to experience new wine! Lord, I pray as You do new things with and in my life, help me let go of the old! Though it is more comfortable for me to keep doing the same old thing the same old way (and complaining about it), refuse my longing for comfort. Do not satisfy my need for the familiar keep turning my head around to face front. Letting go is difficult, but I believe in my spirit You know what is best so help me perceive the new You have for me. Help me to let go of the old and grasp the new—even before it is made perfectly clear to me! Amen

Image From: www.skydiveforfun.com.au

Prayer: A Father’s Love

The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you with by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.—Zephaniah 3:17


Loving Father, Mighty God,

Your beautiful promise keeps me from being down and from being too hard on myself. It gives me the strength I need to get through the day and face any problem or difficulty. Your love and acceptance of me, no, more than that, Your pure delight in me just as I am, not only comforts me, but encourages me. Just knowing that my Heavenly Father is with me, regardless of what I face today, or even in the days ahead helps me live and walk and endure on a different level. My head can be held high, my steps more confident!

This is a promise I can hold in my hand and tuck in my heart: that the LORD my God is in my midst—never will He leave me, never will He abandon me! He is mighty to save me from every peril, from every enemy, even from self-destruction and nothing I encounter, no forces of darkness, no earthly enemy is stronger or bigger than He is! He rejoices over me with gladness—just as a parent rejoices over his or her newborn and takes great delight with me even without me doing anything particularly special—I do not have to rise to great heights or be recognized by men, but just because He made me and I am His! He will quiet me with his love—whenever I am anxious, despairing, frustrated, or feeling troubled in my spirit, His love will comfort me and give me peace. And He will exult (gloat, rejoice, and boast) over me with loud singing—the lullabies and praises from my Father’s own lips and heart will not be drowned out by the enemy’s persistent, nagging words of discouragement, but they will ring out and not be covered over!

Thank You Father, today I am reminded that You are present, You are in control, You have power to save and You grant me a peace I cannot find anywhere else! Amen


image from: www.lauriethomas.com

Prayer: the Power of Holy Baptism

Asking the Right Questions about Baptism | Veritas Dei Lux Mea (God's ...

I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.—Matthew 3:11

 Lord Jesus, this passage set my mind to thinking about baptism: when children are brought to baptism it is an act of obedience by their parents; and this is good to do! And when adults come, they come freely out of their own free will; and this is good to do as well!  When the adult comes they are doing so because of a desire to renounce the ways of the world, as a way of saying they are giving up their fleshly passions, submitting their stubborn will to Your lordship, but now want to be under Your care and covering; want to give their lives to You and belong to the Kingdom of God, want heaven to be their home.

Thank You for Your provision Lord. Through Holy Baptism You bring us into Your family and whether we are baptized as children or adults we receive the benefits of belonging to a holy nation, a beautiful family, the benefits of belonging to You: the Holy Spirit is ours, strength is ours, truth is ours, peace is ours, unconditional love and forgiveness is ours, holiness is ours, wisdom is ours, heavenly protection is ours, joy is ours, heaven is ours both now and eternally.

As I reflect on my own baptism throughout this day I know my heart will be uplifted and my faith will increase a notch or two and I will remember all that is afforded me now, because of it. Help me walk daily in my baptismal graces. Help me remember who I am and to whom I belong because of my Baptism. Help me recall what a mighty act was done through water and Word: I was lost but then I was found, I was bound to sin, but then I was set free, I was defenseless, but then I was given all the help against the forces of evil and the devil, I will ever need, I was doomed eternally but then I was given eternal life.

Today, the memory of my baptism makes me also remember this one great truth: Your way, O God is holy. What god is great like our God? You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples (Ps. 77:13, 14). You have made your way known through the waters of baptism to claim a people as Your own!

I pray for those who are coming to baptism, both child and adult: that they will grow in their baptism graces and be taught the fullness of their baptism so they too can rejoice and be glad in You and in Your great power and provision through something as simple as water and the Word of God. Amen

image from: www.pastorjoev.wordpress.com

Prayer: God’s Faithful Distributors

           FOOD BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER | ...from jess tha foodie

Seeing Peter and john about to go into the temple, he asked to receive alms. And Peter directed his gaze at him, as did John, and said, “Look at us.” And he fixed his attention on them, expecting to receive something from them. But Peter said, “I have no silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.”—Acts 3:

 Gracious Father, we may be just like Peter and John, living modestly, or even among the poorest, but You have given us all something to share with others along this journey. As Peter and John told the beggar at the gate, they did not have silver or gold, but they gave him something, someone far greater and more valuable than that: they gave him Jesus of Nazareth who healed his situation!

No matter our situation or circumstance we also are able to participate in bringing Jesus to others as You place us in strategic places and call us to ministries of distribution. God forbid we begin to have self-pity or become like so many, forgetting who we are and fall into temptation to hoard and keep Jesus to ourselves! But help us daily to be more like Peter and John regarding the beggar at the gate. Daily may we distribute what and whom You have given us to share:

  • If it is indeed, material wealth and possessions then let us spread it generously around to others in need…
  • If it is wisdom the let us share it gladly through godly counsel to those in confusion…
  • If it is knowledge of Your Word then let us spread it to the farthest reaches of the earth; preaching and teaching in Your name not looking for personal fame or gain but only concerned with lifting up Jesus to those in darkness…
  • If it is healing then let us lay on hands or pray or listen, restoring broken lives through the power of the Holy Spirit…
  • If it is prayer then let us spread it everywhere we go, praying for others, helping others to pray more, Giving Jesus to those who don’t know him through prayer…
  • If it is love and acceptance then let us love like never before. Let us open our arms, hearts, and homes to those who have been rejected in so many quarters…
  • If it is faith then let us spend our days and nights encouraging the discouraged, planting seeds of hope everywhere we go, through every conversation we have…

Lord, the gifts of Your kingdom are vast and You spread them among us to share with others.  Help us to walk this earth, to go about our daily tasks fully aware of who we are and whose we are! Peter and John might have given the beggar a gold or silver coin, but that would not have helped his situation, it would not have addressed his deeper need: to know Jesus, to receive healing and liberty!

Give us spiritual eyes to see, and help us do more than boast about our (spiritual) gifts but help us be about the ministry of distribution each and every day until You call us home to heaven. Amen


Image from: www.jessinagra.wordpress.com



Winter Prayer

May all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you! May those who love your salvation say evermore, “God is great!” But I am poor and needy; hasten to help me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay!—Psalm 70:4,5

Sometimes, good Lord, it seems we can do nothing except go through the winters of our lives. Nothing except endure brutal and bullish winds that blow in and disrupt. Nothing except; wait out the storms that come with no prompting of our wills or ill will. In times when the winds are blowing hard and the storms do not cease, give us strength O Lord to wait it out. Give us patience to wait on You. Give us a deeper understanding of Your ways and even the ways of this earthly journey so we do not despair or lose heart. Give us peace of mind though we look and see injustice, inequality, and oppression swirling all around, though we see affliction and sickness drifting up to our doors. Though the frigid winds of poverty and lack, and so much more, blow hard, keep us from being tossed about by faithlessness and doubt but instead let us continually say; “Our God is great, and greatly to be praised.” Let us continually say; “We praise and magnify Your name. Our God has done great things for us and we are glad!”

In our winters Lord, remember all our needs: both temporal and spiritual and bless us accordingly. Remember that we are only dust and therefore are frail and in need of assistance from You. Remember that we can only endure so much before we fall to the ground and cannot get back up. Remember that one day seems as a thousand although it has not been very long at all. Remember we make mistakes but do not mean to go contrary to Your will or desires. Remember we are forgetful of the good things You have done for us in the past and need to be reminded again through Your current heapings of mercy and grace. Remember Your love for us through Jesus Your dear Son and do not grow impatient or weary of us or be angry with us forever. Remember Your promise; “Never will I leave you and never will I abandon you.” Remember to sing over us in the soul wearying nights and to guard us during excruciating days. Remember us O Lord, and all the while give us strength and help to proclaim Your praises evermore and say; “Even so, our God is great and greatly to be praised! We praise and magnify His name. Our God has done great things for us and we are glad!” Amen

Image From: www.article.washingtonpost.com

Prayer: And God Sends Sowers with Seed!

about a sower, a farmer who spread seed by hand to plant his field ...

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God.—2 Corinthians 9:10-11

I declare, Good Lord! This promise is so encouraging and empowering I could weep in Your goodness today! How often I forget You are the Master Sower and Seed Giver!

Father, I know You will take care of every one of my needs and have so often sent sowers into my life to plant a seed that was later manifested into a bounteous harvest but I confess I often forget to pray that You will do the same for others: that You will send sowers into their lives as well!

Today I want to pray for so many in need, and not just little needs, Lord but are needy in the places I cannot do much good! Needy in ways I can’t even begin to address and touch! I am thinking of countless others who are in the midst of a drought, experiencing lack, in the middle of a distressful situation and dire circumstances. I pray for them. I pray Lord, for those I know by name, those I know by face and those I don’t know at all; both near and far! I ask You to do a mighty work in their life and sow a bountiful seed for harvesting.

Lord, today I pray for                                                 and ask that You will send a sower into their life and sow a seed to be harvested for their good! Do a mighty work in their life and situation so when it comes out You will receive all the glory! Plant a seed so deep not even the birds of the air nor the devil himself can pluck it out or steal it away!

Lord, be with that man, that woman, that child in need. They may be looking everywhere else, or they may be looking to You! Send a sower to them, Lord!

Good Lord, I want to thank You in advance for all You will do in the lives of those in need and go forth confidently and watchful because I know that already Your hand is directing feet and opening hands, Your Spirit is touching hearts to go and move and do some sowing! Amen  

Image from: www.lovefaithmercydm.org

Prayer: God Gives Seed to the Sower

It is estimated that by 2050, food production will need to increase by ...

He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way, which through us will produce thanksgiving to God—2 Corinthians 9:10, 11

Good Lord,

I’ve heard it said more than once; it’s not about the supply or the demand, but the distribution! I pray, O Lord that You would give seed to the sower! That You would open the storehouse of heaven and pour out a blessing so enormous it cannot be held even in the laps of Your children.

Grant to those suffering any need, whether it be shelter, clothing, food, shoes, a warm bed to sleep in, dependable transportation, even love and compassion, all they have need of and bless those who provide shelter, clothing, and a warm to bed to others: Give seed to the sower, O Lord!

I pray that You would keep food in the pantry: especially those pantries that service their communities and the hungry: Give seed to the sower, Lord! I pray you will bless the affluent and those with generous and compassionate hearts to be a blessing to others: Give seed to the sower, O Lord! I pray you will bless those who open up their home to the orphaned and the displaced: Give seed to the sower, O Lord! Bless the tiny church having few dollars and few people, who love to spread Your Word but lack the needed resources to do so: Give seed to the sower, O Lord! Bless the employer who pays their employees well and cares for them in ways that are pleasing to You: Give seed the sower, O Lord! Bless the work of our hands and the dedication of our heart and fulfill our desire to be a blessing to others: Give seed to the sower, O Lord!

Because You promise to provide seed for our well-being then we will not walk in fear of lack but will trust You to refill our empty spaces and places! Because You promise to provide seed to the sower for our well-doing, then we will not walk in fear of giving to others but trust You O Lord, will refill our empty spaces and empty places until there is a never-ending stream flow in and out! Amen

Image from: www.irishaid.com